
10 UI things i learned during android development

I develop android apps, I’m not a designer but often while development i come across some situations where a designer should consider while developing app designs Why waiting lets dive in. 1.First launch experience At first launch, everybody will have the same three questions on their mind: Where am I? What can I do here?… Continue reading 10 UI things i learned during android development


Android Persistent Search, the persistent search bar seen on apps such as Google Now, Google Maps and Google Play

I wonder if there is any widget in android to provide persistent search bar like in play store, Maps of Google apps But we cannot expect widgets for every use case we encounter during development, so let’s tweak the existing widgets to obtain the desired output, Below is the screen shot of what we are… Continue reading Android Persistent Search, the persistent search bar seen on apps such as Google Now, Google Maps and Google Play


How to implement different types of Navigation Drawers like in Google apps

The navigation drawer is a panel that displays the app’s main navigation options on the left edge of the screen. It is hidden most of the time, but is revealed when the user swipes a finger from the left edge of the screen or, while at the top level of the app, the user touches… Continue reading How to implement different types of Navigation Drawers like in Google apps


What is Recycler View in Android?

There are lot of enhancements done in android from Lollipop version. RecyclerView is one amognst them that made it’s way officially. This is much more powerful,flexible and AN ENHANCEMENT OVER LISTVIEW that provides a limited window into a large data set. If you are using listview, These are the major painpoints you might be facing(I have… Continue reading What is Recycler View in Android?


Display reviews chart like in google play store in Android

Some time back i have got a requirement to display reviews like in google play store like below. I spent some time surfing for any open source libraries.   Here i found a charting library Thanks Phillip Jay. Dude show me the code Okay lets me start on how to implement this: Add   repositories {… Continue reading Display reviews chart like in google play store in Android


Spring Directory Details

This post focuses on explaining about spring project directory To set up spring in eclipse you can follow this post Technologies used: Spring Version: Eclipse Juno Maven Tomcat Html Once you have spring in your eclipse (or using STS)  Goto File–> New –> Spring Project Provide project name as SpringLogin and select Spring MVC  Project  template… Continue reading Spring Directory Details


What is SpringMVC

The Spring web MVC framework provides model-view-controller architecture and ready components that can be used to develop flexible and loosely coupled web applications. The MVC design pattern results in separating the different aspects of the application (input logic, business logic(using controllers), and UI logic), while providing a loose coupling between these elements. MVC means Model… Continue reading What is SpringMVC